Our seal­ing pro­files in Use in Renew­able Energy

The increas­ing impor­tance and grow­ing use of renew­able energy is impor­tant to our com­pany. We are very happy to be able to con­tribute to the expan­sion of these sus­tain­able tech­nolo­gies through our prod­ucts.


Solar Power

The grow­ing mar­ket for solar power is one of our company’s core busi­nesses. We have years of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence with pho­to­voltaics and solar pan­els.

Our range is divided into three prod­uct areas:

  1. Solar pro­files for mount­ing sys­tems. This includes the sup­port pro­files of the mod­ule clamp­ing seals, which we can man­u­fac­ture to very pre­cise fits (tol­er­ances below ISO 3302 – 1 E1).
  2. Rub­ber frames for solar col­lec­tors. We use spe­cial non-​​fogging com­pounds for the vul­can­i­sa­tion of col­lec­tor frames. This pre­vents the buildup of chem­i­cal com­po­nents and dis­ad­van­ta­geous opti­cal deposits on the glass of the col­lec­tor.
  3. Absorber pro­files. These are used for heat­ing pri­vate as well as pub­lic pools to extend the uptime period. They are designed to be used in oppo­site tem­per­a­ture direc­tion as well: for cool­ing mobile skat­ing rinks. In this case we are able to pro­vide the pro­files in coex­tru­sion with a white cov­er­ing layer if required – a unique sel­ling point of M+R in both qua­lity and price.


Wind Power

We man­u­fac­ture cable sheaths for sub­ma­rine cables used to con­nect off­shore wind farms to the main­land. The typ­i­cally very large pro­file geom­e­try is pro­duced in EPDM using high-​​performance extrud­ers and salt bath tech­nol­ogy.

These Tech­nolo­gies find use in Envi­ron­mental Tech­no­logy

Tool pro­duc­tion


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Thanks to our highly devel­oped tool con­struc­tion facil­i­ties, at M+R – Pro­files we can man­u­fac­ture even dif­fi­cult pro­file geome­tries eco­nom­i­cally and with pre­ci­sion.



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We use three salt bath lines with diam­e­ters from 90mm to 120mm, and our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties are also equipped with a coex­tru­sion line.

Injec­tion Mold­ing


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We man­u­fac­ture seal­ing frames with pre­cise joins by using mod­ern injec­tion mould­ing presses.

Are you inter­ested in our prod­ucts?

Dipl. — Betriebsw.
Thomas Wolf