Your Train is Arriv­ing – with Pro­file Seals from M+R

For the rail­ways we pro­duce seals, pro­files, moulded rub­ber parts and frames for use in rail vehi­cles with rub­ber char­ac­ter­is­tics that make them dif­fi­cult to ignite. These must ful­fil extremely strict fire safety require­ments. Along­side exist­ing national stan­dards, such as DIN 5510 – 2 and NFF 16 – 101, increas­ingly the new DIN EN 45545 with its stricter require­ments is being used.

We have spe­cial com­pounds in var­i­ous hard­nesses to match all these stan­dards, which are specif­i­cally autho­rised for use for fire safety in rail vehi­cle designs. We have exten­sive expe­ri­ence in par­tic­u­lar in man­u­fac­tur­ing spare parts for the Ger­man, Aus­trian and Swiss rail­ways. There is also reg­u­lar demand for seal­ing frames, replace­ment pro­files and replace­ment frames – which are also needed by ser­vice indus­tries through­out the region.

We man­u­fac­ture exactly to cus­tomer require­ments. If you have a spe­cific chal­lenge to deal with, our experts will be happy to advise you and offer solu­tions to com­plex prob­lems, such as prob­lems with cable wear on the bot­tom of the vehi­cle. Our solu­tion: we design and man­u­fac­ture tailor-​​made, moulded rub­ber parts to pro­vide last­ing pro­tec­tion from wear to the cables.

These Tech­nolo­gies find use in Rail­way Engi­nee­ring

Tool pro­duc­tion


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Thanks to our highly devel­oped tool con­struc­tion facil­i­ties, at M+R – Pro­files we can man­u­fac­ture even dif­fi­cult pro­file geome­tries eco­nom­i­cally and with pre­ci­sion.



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We use three salt bath lines with diam­e­ters from 90mm to 120mm, and our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties are also equipped with a coex­tru­sion line.

Injec­tion Mold­ing


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We man­u­fac­ture seal­ing frames with pre­cise joins by using mod­ern injec­tion mould­ing presses.

Are you inter­ested in our prod­ucts?

Dipl. — Betriebsw.
Thomas Wolf